Well I've been the PIC at Pamida and living in Norton for 1 week now. Work has been busy and a little stressful. Everything moves a little slower with me there since I am still trying to learn the system. I was frustrated, but each day got a little better, and my tech tells me I'm catching on well. I know things will get better; I cant change things over night. I'm so busy with pharmacy things that I don't have time to do any of the cleaning, organizing, or even check my work email. We got the OK to hire a 3rd person, which will help tremendously, but the hardest part is finding the time to get an ad out and setting up interviews! That's my goal for this next week. The days go by fast and I'm usually exhausted when I get home. We've had to stay late, and I've even gone in an hour early some days to get a head start, so my days have been long. I'm meeting a lot of the customers and still really excited about the job. Once I get more comfortable with things it will be great. We've already gained a few more customers. I transferred 7 prescriptions yesterday from the other pharmacy downtown!!
I've been trying to get out in the community. Thursday night the Young Professionals Group was having activities downtown: silent auction, free hot chocolate, dance performances, jumping gym for the kids, etc. and most of the business were open. I went and got information on the Young Professionals Group and plan to go to their next meeting. I think that would be a great organization for me to get involved in. I introduced myself to the other pharmacist downtown since we do a lot of talking on the phone, and I strolled thru the businesses. They have a lot of cute stores.
Friday night I went to the big rival football game Norton vs. Smith Center. Norton prevailed 41-20. Go Bluejays!! Everyone was super excited.
Saturday night I went to the little theatre downtown and saw Walstreet: Money never sleeps. Good movie for those of you wanting to see it. Sounds like they get a lot of good movies there.
They also have a new Mexican Restaurant in town that I've checked out a couple times.
And then there's my poor house. I've realize now just how fortunate I was to always have a nice clean home. When deciding on a place, we wanted something pretty inexpensive and something we could fix up. We thought it would be fun to have a project and see how we could turn a place around. It's something we've never done before. We found an ad in the paper for a house with a huge lot, 3 car garage ( which is very unusual in Norton) new roof, new copper piping, and new AC/furnace. Sounds great! We went to look at it and it happened to be an old school house that they added on to. It is really tall; you would think it was 2 story, but there's only just one. Large kitchen, 3 small bedrooms., family room, and a small unfinished basement. It definitely has character and a lot of potential. It was being rented at the time to a couple guys with 2 big dogs. The carpet was in pretty bad shape, but it was livable. I didn't move much; a bed, clothes, a few kitchen items, and the $40 fridge and microwave Devin snagged at a garage sale the day before we left. When we got here, the house was in worse shape then what we remembered. It smells so bad....kind of like barnyard/dog/urine/old lady. The carpet is very soiled.....I don't even want to walk on in without shoes! We're hoping to rip up the carpet and get started on a few things when Devin comes back in a couple weeks. We're still very excited about the place and know this is just temporary. I'll have to post pictures as we go.
I finally got Internet and cable on Friday!!! I was about to go nuts!! I've spent a lot of time staring at my dogs. At least I have them to keep me company and entertained. I'll probably be making a trip to Clay Center next weekend to do laundry......or I guess I could rinse my clothes out with the hose and hang it on the clothes line. Living like this is pretty comical.......but also sad because I know there are a lot of people in this town that really do live like this. I am very thankful.