Monday, April 26, 2010

Catch Up - TNT weeks 9, 10, 11

Yes, I know, I've been slacking......but not on my training! I've had a lot going on the past few weeks and I just returned from a relaxing week on a cruise to the Caribbean ( that will have to be a different post!). So, my training the last few weeks has been:

Week 9: 8 miles. I thought I was going to die. By the end of the run I could barely stand up my knees hurt so bad. Any type of incline was unbearable and stairs were impossible. I have a lot of problems with my IT band and it takes me a long time to recover. This was my main worry when beginning this training; I wasn't sure my knee was going to hold out. One of my high school friends is a physical therapist so she gave me some exercises to try. Hopefully with her help I won't experience so much pain.

Week 10: 4 miles. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake compared to the 8 miles the week before. Wrong!! It seemed like 8 miles was easier (minus the excruciating knee pain at the end). What the heck!!

Week 11: 9 miles. On a cruise ship. No. Way. My coach suggested I run 5 miles one day, 5 miles the next. Overall I was pretty satisfied with my working out while on vacation. I made it to the gym 4 days. The 5 miles were a challenge, not to mention the sore muscles and blisters from the constant swaying of the tread mill, my thighs rubbing together, burping and sharting from the morning buffet, etc., etc., but this was my view so can't complain too much

Monday, April 5, 2010

TNT Week 8- The weather man lied!

I missed the team training this weekend since I had to work. I have Fridays off when this happens so I usually make up my long runs then. It wasn't a bad run this week; only 4 miles. There was a chance of rain Friday, but my trusty weatherman said it wasn't supposed to hit until 10 or 11am. It was about 9 when I went out so I wasn't worried. I knew I would be back in 40 minutes or less before the rain came. I headed west on my looked really dark ahead of me, but I knew I could make it. I hit my 2 mile turn around marker and started making my way back home. I was in the clear I thought! I felt a few big deal. Then out of nowhere this horrific wind came! Signs and debris started flying everywhere. I was going with the wind and it was blowing so hard I couldn't keep up. I was sprinting so fast and I felt like I was flying. I couldn't stop! And then the rain came. It was pounding and I was still over a mile from home. Out of nowhere I saw a Fastenal truck go by. DEVIN!!!! He was out on deliveries and just happened to be going down the road I was on. He pulled over and I couldn't get to the truck fast enough. The wind was so strong I couldn't get the door open and once I did his papers went flying!! Thank goodness he came, but then he tells me..."I didn't know whether I should stop or not"........WHAT??? REALLY?? With my stubborn and competitive attitude he thought I would get mad if he interrupted my run and didn't allow me to finish. On the news later I found out the wind was 70mph!! Trampolines were blown away and even roofs were blown off. Yep. And I was out running. The weather man lied.