Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I finally have time for an update! It has been such an overwhelming and stressful move! We packed 2- 26ft Penske trucks to the brim, both towing 2 vehicles, and me driving a car also. The trucks could only go about 60 mph and we spent over 24 hrs driving. We stopped for occasional naps in random truck stops and McDonald's parking lots. It was torture and having spent 3 days in the same clothes without showering we finally made it home to Kansas! We are still exhausted, but are finally getting somewhat settled. Being in Arizona for 4 1/2 years I'm trying to get adjusted back to KS again. We've been going thru a lot of changes....some good, some not so good.
#1. Weather: It's cold!! I'm not used to having to wear a coat and have forgotten several times. We've had to dig out what winter gear we had left....which isn't much. The dogs have sweaters and coats as well. I don't think they like the cold either, although they did enjoy wrestling in the snow. Our bodies are chapped, cracked, and dry.....just can't seem to get enough lotion! I also haven't learned to account for weather when driving to work. It was snowing one morning and they decided to only drive 15 mph on I-35 so I didn't open the pharmacy until 8:40....oops. I felt horrible.
#2. Home: We have a basement!!! No longer is our garage and spare closets packed to the brim! We finally have storage which is a must! My boy can't seem to get rid of anything....."it's a collectors item" he says....hmm.. We have a big back yard that is full of grass which is great for the dogs. They love to run and run.....but we have no fence so we are often found chasing them around the neighborhood in robes and house slippers. The fence will have to be built soon! My kitchen is smaller with less storage which is sucky, but overall the house is a little bigger than my home in AZ. We have stairs in this house which we aren't use to and often find ourselves being lazy and not wanting to climb them. We have some changes to make, as well as painting to do to give it our personal touch and make it our home, but it all takes time.
#3. Work: I was at store #5568 in Sun City, AZ for over 4 years and knew it like the back of my hand. The staff there was my family and I knew the patients well. It's so hard to start over. I've been floating here in KC. I've run into a couple classmates, but for the most part nobody knows me, they don't say much to me and they think I'm a newbie and don't give me much credit. Again, it all takes time. It's a little different practicing in KS than AZ as far as the laws, so I'm having to remember all the changes. I'm not too excited about the schedule. I just got done doing 5 shifts of overnights. I'm not a night person! I'm so glad to be done. The frustrating part is I don't even know my schedule for tomorrow!!! I'm a planner and how can I plan anything when I don't know when I'm working!!! grr....I hope I get placed in a store soon so I can have a consistent schedule and know when and where I have to be each day.
#4. Life: Arizona was nice. The weather was perfect 8 months out of the year and there was a lot to do. It was a great location for weekend getaways to Mexico, California, Vegas, etc. I bought my first home there and accepted my first real job there. I've made some great friends in AZ and will definitely be back to visit, but it just wasn't "home." There are things that I miss, but I'm so excited to be back. I'm glad to be close to my friends and family again. I've missed so many holidays, wedding, birthdays, and many other special occasions. I can't wait to be a part of it all again and catch up with all my friends. It's also nice knowing that if you want your mom to cook for you I can just jump in the car and drive home! I thought it would be hard to leave my house, but I found some great, reliable tenants to take care of my property.....and pay the rent on time!! You don't find many of those.
So as you can see, lots of changes going on, but in due time it will all be change for the good. There's no place like home!! (oh.....and all the Dorothy and Toto and yellow brick road comments were getting old. The fake chuckle I used in response was getting a little lame!)

1 comment:

Allison said...

Welcome home! It sounds like it has been a significant adjustment and will continue to be until you're fully settled but we hope that having friends and family near will make it all worth the while in the long run. We're glad to have you guys back in Kansas and hope to see you soon!