Sunday, November 7, 2010

Norton Happenings

Yes I know. It's been awhile. I guess I just haven't felt like sitting down and writing, but there has been quite a bit going on. Work gets better each day. I continue to learn more and become comfortable in my new role. I got my extra help hired. She's a clerk for now, but just the simple tasks like helping customers and answering the phone helps Karen and I focus on other things and get caught up on projects that have been put off for weeks. She just started last week, and is catching on so fast. I eventually want her to get her technician license so she can help us in more ways.

I had my first visitors come stay with me!!!! Well........not WITH, but in the driveway rather...... in the RV. I don't quite have the accommodations yet to fully entertain, so mom, dad, and Renee came with their own housing. I'm glad they got to come see Norton and my pharmacy. We drove around town, ate a good lunch at Destination Kitchen, made chili, and watched a the RV of course! I would like to point out, though, that my 1 lawn chair has now been up-graded to 3 additional folding chairs and a blow-up mattress! I'm really missing my dishwasher. I can't imagine washing dishes for a whole family! I think, however that I miss my washer and dryer even more. I have to be pretty strategic in what I wear since I don't know when the next laundry day will be. Devin has been doing a great job taking loads of laundry back to KC and doing it there for me, and bringing it back on his next trip.

Devin was back the week before Halloween and we wanted to check out Norton's traditional Halloween Parade! It's sponsored by the Volunteer Fire Department and it was really cute. It was fun to see all the kids (and parents) dressed up in their costumes.

The parade zig-zagged thru downtown and ended at the fire station where each participant was give a hot dog to roast in the fire pits.
My Halloween at the house was pretty uneventful. These were the only trick-or-treaters I had!!!
They look so excited, don't they?? I couldn't believe it. Not one kid!! Devin had 100s in KC and ran out of candy. I didn't feel too bad, because I talked to my neighbor today and they didn't have any either.
Probably the most exciting news it that demolition has begun on the house!! I am so ready for this place to change and to see the results when it's all done. I don't know if I mentioned that the house is an old school house. Here is the lovely establishment:

As you can see it has a very tall roof, but they lowered the ceilings for some reason. I wanted a tall entry way so that is where we started. Check out all the sweet paneling!!

Devin worked his butt off and made a huge mess, but the walls and ceiling are gone.

He also started tearing off paneling in the kitchen, laundry, and bathroom. His good friend Tim from Phoenix is a sheet-rocker and is flying in this weekend to start re-doing all the interior walls. He's planning to be here until the inside is done, so hopefully it moves along quickly. I'll try to update with pictures, but I can only load them on my KC computer, so I will do my best!
I made it back to KC for the first time this past weekend. It was so nice to stay in a nice smelling house with furniture!!!!! It was great to see some of my family and old co-workers. I'm glad I got away to take a break from work for awhile and clear my head.
This coming weekend is the much-anticipated weekend of the year!! It's a big event..........opening weekend for pheasant hunting!!!!!! The town doubles in size and hunters come from all over to hunt here. Apparently it's the pheasant capital of the US! I took Saturday off, not to go hunting, but to attend the big craft fair that happens this weekend as well. Four different buildings will be full of vendors. I thought I would have some company this weekend, but that all changed, so I will be checking things out by myself. I'm excited, though. I think it will be fun, and a big weekend for the community.
So I'm going to a party tomorrow night! My neighbor invited me to a home decorating party given by a lady she goes to church with. She thought I needed to get out of the house, meet some more people, hang out with the ladies and enjoy food and drink. Okay!!!! I think it will be a fun night out.
So that's the scoop for now!!

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