Monday, April 5, 2010

TNT Week 8- The weather man lied!

I missed the team training this weekend since I had to work. I have Fridays off when this happens so I usually make up my long runs then. It wasn't a bad run this week; only 4 miles. There was a chance of rain Friday, but my trusty weatherman said it wasn't supposed to hit until 10 or 11am. It was about 9 when I went out so I wasn't worried. I knew I would be back in 40 minutes or less before the rain came. I headed west on my looked really dark ahead of me, but I knew I could make it. I hit my 2 mile turn around marker and started making my way back home. I was in the clear I thought! I felt a few big deal. Then out of nowhere this horrific wind came! Signs and debris started flying everywhere. I was going with the wind and it was blowing so hard I couldn't keep up. I was sprinting so fast and I felt like I was flying. I couldn't stop! And then the rain came. It was pounding and I was still over a mile from home. Out of nowhere I saw a Fastenal truck go by. DEVIN!!!! He was out on deliveries and just happened to be going down the road I was on. He pulled over and I couldn't get to the truck fast enough. The wind was so strong I couldn't get the door open and once I did his papers went flying!! Thank goodness he came, but then he tells me..."I didn't know whether I should stop or not"........WHAT??? REALLY?? With my stubborn and competitive attitude he thought I would get mad if he interrupted my run and didn't allow me to finish. On the news later I found out the wind was 70mph!! Trampolines were blown away and even roofs were blown off. Yep. And I was out running. The weather man lied.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Too funny. Good for you for being so diligent about your training!