Monday, March 22, 2010

TNT Week 6

This weeks training was one of the worst hours I've experienced in a long time. We met at 6:30am. It was dark, freezing, and snowing!! We met a Quivira Park to get on the trail. We couldn't even see the trail with all the snow! We were supposed to run 4 miles, but coach thought we were running 6 so the water-stops were messed up and we ended up running almost 5. My shoes and socks were soaking wet, I had snot and tears running all over my face, and worst of all I wore a thong and had the worst chaffing ever between my cheeks!! I was angry the whole time and I just wanted it to be over. This goes to show just how committed I am! I am hoping this was the last of our winter weather! Snow is definitely not favorable training conditions!

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